GET Free ~ TGIF It’s FreeStyle Friday So Let’s Chill…

FreeStyle Friday

WELCOME Back to another blog post. Today has been a very interesting day surrounded by a very strong energy. The feeling is very creative and empowering. It is enough to just observe the still silence of time because gratitude is there…

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we establish our eternity.

~ Melvin Ellis

Abstract Art Humanity's Team

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog that sums up the FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

GET Free ~ TGIF It’s FreeStyle Friday So Let’s Chill…

FreeStyle Friday

WELCOME Back to another blog post. Today has been a very interesting day surrounded by a very strong energy. The feeling is very creative and empowering. It is enough to just observe the still silence of time because gratitude is there…

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we establish our eternity.

~ Melvin Ellis

Abstract Art Humanity's Team

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog that sums up the FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

GET Inspired ~ It’s FREESTYLE Friday!!!

GET Served Up In Your Community…

WELCOME Back to another FreeStyle Friday!!!! Today we wanted to get a little more in-depth and reach out into the community to highlight a Fellow Freedom Fighter. This blog IS about being passionate about Empowerment and Freedom. THIS Blog is about community. This BLOG is About Humanity and serving others as we would want to be served. So sit back and enjoy today’s blog post as we lift up the efforts of work within the community of Service, Spirit, Truth, Motherhood, and Love…

Katherine V. Price

When we talk about community and build one another up, it takes more than just the words coming out of our mouths, it also demands action. There are so many ways that we can serve in our communities. One person may offer childcare, another may offer lawn service, but dig deeper. It says a lot when a family makes a conscious effort to get envolved. Some may think… I want my family to start a tradition of service to my community. This should be the feeling that we all have, especially when teaching our children the power of gratitude. I have been close friends with “Kat” for about 10 years. I have seen her raise her son as a single mom, and press through striving to become all the woman she can be, and today we solute her in her efforts.

It All Started With A FB Post

It was April 15th when I received the inbox from Katherine and this is what it said,

It was the most humbling experience I have ever had in my life … We were given a tour first and shown the area where the women sleep. They have single women there and women with children. It was heartbreaking to see them sleeping in a space the size of a cubicle ,with their kids. We were then taken into the kitchen, where we made plates/meals to served them. The meal was modist, but I felt like WOW, look at what we take for granted every day. Waking up in our own homes. My friend Cathy is the founder of the program and a pastor. She ministered to the women about spring cleaning and clearing out our internal house. She also touched on making sure our soil is right to plant a strong foundation.

I think the most touching thing for me at the end was when, the women were invited to come up who wanted prayer. We stood in a circle, held hands, prayed, and afterwards we hugged each other. I hugged one woman and she cried in my arms for awhile. I don’t know what was burdening her so, but I could feel that she was hurting. I continued to pray for her right there and I will continue to pray for her, the other women, and the children. I realized that 2 hours of my time is more valuable than anything else I could give monetarily.

So many people take so many things for granted… And any one of us… At any time could be 2 steps from being in a shelter….

Train A Child Up In The Way He Should Go

Community Service

There is nothing more that any parent wants than to raise good children. This is an ever plaguing thought to the single mother of male children or any parent for that matter. So it is a must that the youth be exposed to being of service to his or her community, so that the spirit of entitlement does not jade them, least they become menacing to society. That is what Katherine has done here, with her son Elijah. It is fare to say that, we are ALL charged as parents to teach to our children how to thrive in a society, which is richly stimulated by financial gain as power. This is why it is so important to expose the children to various socioeconomic conditions. While some of us do this and go broke for our children, just to have expensive shoes and clothes, in efforts to keep them current and trendy.

This can cause our youth to become desensitized to the woes of economical conflicts within our communities. This is why it is important for children to be empowered by being a force of light into community through service. The culture of today’s youth has to be taught by our actions. It is what we do as adults, that our youth learn in regards to discipline and not what is told them as their authority figures. The youth of today are highly creative and are seeing life in HD (high definition). It is our job as parents to help them interpret what they are witnessing in spirit and in truth. Being of sound body and mind ~ thus directing them on the path to freedom.

Concluding Thoughts

Think about this… What is it that you are exposing your youth to? Does it that enables him or her to see humanity as one connected force? Are you teaching your child that when one person lacks power, we are all short circuited? Does your child know that life can change from one day to the next? Do they know that the only promise in life is change? Are you teaching your child the language of gratitude?

Life is definitely too short to harp on the things that we wish we had, or the things we say we want to do. There is no time like the present to get up and take massive action to become a part of the productivity force. It’s “Spring Time” and we should be dusting away the winter fluff, turning our soil, and planting our seeds in order to reep a bountiful harvest.

Thank You Kat for sharing your empowering experience with us, we solute you and Elijah for your commitment to community with:

Watkins Overflow-602-263-8900
1120 W. Watkins, Phoenix, AZ 85007

It is the last resort for single women and families when there are no other shelters with openings.

They provide breakfast and dinner, a place to shower and clothes if needed.

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, Home-Birthing, Homeschooling, Healthy, Traveling Homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog about being able to live out this FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, in love… Our main focus for these posts is to inspire 3000 + individuals that are getting on tract or needing accountability partners to  stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

P.S.S. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to this and future blog posts… Peace, Love, and Light

GET Inspired ~ It’s FREESTYLE Friday!!!

GET Served Up In Your Community…

WELCOME Back to another FreeStyle Friday!!!! Today we wanted to get a little more in-depth and reach out into the community to highlight a Fellow Freedom Fighter. This blog IS about being passionate about Empowerment and Freedom. THIS Blog is about community. This BLOG is About Humanity and serving others as we would want to be served. So sit back and enjoy today’s blog post as we lift up the efforts of work within the community of Service, Spirit, Truth, Motherhood, and Love…

Katherine V. Price

When we talk about community and build one another up, it takes more than just the words coming out of our mouths, it also demands action. There are so many ways that we can serve in our communities. One person may offer childcare, another may offer lawn service, but dig deeper. It says a lot when a family makes a conscious effort to get envolved. Some may think… I want my family to start a tradition of service to my community. This should be the feeling that we all have, especially when teaching our children the power of gratitude. I have been close friends with “Kat” for about 10 years. I have seen her raise her son as a single mom, and press through striving to become all the woman she can be, and today we solute her in her efforts.

It All Started With A FB Post

It was April 15th when I received the inbox from Katherine and this is what it said,

It was the most humbling experience I have ever had in my life … We were given a tour first and shown the area where the women sleep. They have single women there and women with children. It was heartbreaking to see them sleeping in a space the size of a cubicle ,with their kids. We were then taken into the kitchen, where we made plates/meals to served them. The meal was modist, but I felt like WOW, look at what we take for granted every day. Waking up in our own homes. My friend Cathy is the founder of the program and a pastor. She ministered to the women about spring cleaning and clearing out our internal house. She also touched on making sure our soil is right to plant a strong foundation.

I think the most touching thing for me at the end was when, the women were invited to come up who wanted prayer. We stood in a circle, held hands, prayed, and afterwards we hugged each other. I hugged one woman and she cried in my arms for awhile. I don’t know what was burdening her so, but I could feel that she was hurting. I continued to pray for her right there and I will continue to pray for her, the other women, and the children. I realized that 2 hours of my time is more valuable than anything else I could give monetarily.

So many people take so many things for granted… And any one of us… At any time could be 2 steps from being in a shelter….

Train A Child Up In The Way He Should Go

Community Service

There is nothing more that any parent wants than to raise good children. This is an ever plaguing thought to the single mother of male children or any parent for that matter. So it is a must that the youth be exposed to being of service to his or her community, so that the spirit of entitlement does not jade them, least they become menacing to society. That is what Katherine has done here, with her son Elijah. It is fare to say that, we are ALL charged as parents to teach to our children how to thrive in a society, which is richly stimulated by financial gain as power. This is why it is so important to expose the children to various socioeconomic conditions. While some of us do this and go broke for our children, just to have expensive shoes and clothes, in efforts to keep them current and trendy.

This can cause our youth to become desensitized to the woes of economical conflicts within our communities. This is why it is important for children to be empowered by being a force of light into community through service. The culture of today’s youth has to be taught by our actions. It is what we do as adults, that our youth learn in regards to discipline and not what is told them as their authority figures. The youth of today are highly creative and are seeing life in HD (high definition). It is our job as parents to help them interpret what they are witnessing in spirit and in truth. Being of sound body and mind ~ thus directing them on the path to freedom.

Concluding Thoughts

Think about this… What is it that you are exposing your youth to? Does it that enables him or her to see humanity as one connected force? Are you teaching your child that when one person lacks power, we are all short circuited? Does your child know that life can change from one day to the next? Do they know that the only promise in life is change? Are you teaching your child the language of gratitude?

Life is definitely too short to harp on the things that we wish we had, or the things we say we want to do. There is no time like the present to get up and take massive action to become a part of the productivity force. It’s “Spring Time” and we should be dusting away the winter fluff, turning our soil, and planting our seeds in order to reep a bountiful harvest.

Thank You Kat for sharing your empowering experience with us, we solute you and Elijah for your commitment to community with:

Watkins Overflow-602-263-8900

1120 W. Watkins, Phoenix, AZ 85007

It is the last resort for single women and families when there are no other shelters with openings.

They provide breakfast and dinner, a place to shower and clothes if needed.

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, Home-Birthing, Homeschooling, Healthy, Traveling Homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog about being able to live out this FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, in love… Our main focus for these posts is to inspire 3000 + individuals that are getting on tract or needing accountability partners to  stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

P.S.S. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to this and future blog posts… Peace, Love, and Light

Set it Off Sunday ~ It’s GET Freedom Time…


How often do you say that you are going to do something but you get distracted from the goal by something that has absolutely nothing to with your planned goal? Sometimes the distraction can be our children, our parents, or family. The real deal is that we often get distracted by our own inability to mentally and emotionally connect with time in abundance instead of time in lack. If we began to think of time as infinite  we can find the power of acceptance and self directed freedom. We make resolutions and promises throughout the year and check off that hefty to do lists as things are completed. Is this what most call being organized? I don’t know because in my household we do not filter the idea of time very well. We have learned that instinctively we can all tune into the greater concept of time when we just learn to let go… Of time… And just live for “right now.”

Time constraints make people to ridged and dull. There is a limitation of spontaneity and flexibility in the clutches of time. When we learn to live a lifestyle of freedom, we kill depression, we kill anxiety, we kill fear. The road is open and the streets are clear. There is no need to worry about the guy in front of you because he’s long gone… on his way to his freedom.

Here we are Setting It Off  this Sunday according to the type of freedom you want? Where do you want to be? And… How you want to achieve your freedom? The whole thing is up to you… It’s your world!

So remember… there is no time like the present and the only freedom that you have is the freedom of now!

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists here in Empower Network.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Mobile Motivation Monday… Where we will take you on a stroll to the MEL Box in spirit, in truth, in love… Our main focus for these posts is to inspire 3000 + individuals that are getting on tract or needing accountability partners to  stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept with, The GET 3000 Crew.


GET Charged It’s Your Life To Choose ~ GET 3000!

Set It Off Sunday

GET Charged On The Road To Progressive Freedom

Psalm 119:105
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Welcome back to another “Set It Off Sunday!” We are charged that you would take the time to come by and read this weeks blog posts. As we prepare to mobilize our motives, share our techniques, work out our bodies, go back in our future, free our minds, and sum up our progression… Again we welcome you here today to; “GET Charged On The Road To Progressive Freedom.”

We have all heard where there is a will there is a way, right? Well let’s examine what that means on a deeper level. What is “the will”? How to we get the will charged to do the things that we want along the way, and be productive? One of the best ways that I can think of is to be steady and walk in the light. I know that sounds easier said than done, so let’s think about it here. If we knew that no matter the road we travel, the choices we make, the thoughts that we think, were all to get us charged to do our very best, then what more would we be able to do in life? How many more people could we inspire? How much more of an influence would we be? Walking in the light is about being charged up like a battery fresh out of the package and ready for use. Take your cell phone for example – When you have used up the charge the phone will indicate to you that it has a low battery. In my phone it will tell me all the way down to the percentage of the charge that is left. Now I have two choices, I can choose to plug the phone into a power source, and let it get fully charged, or I can just let the battery die out completely. The problem here is that if I choose the latter, then I have no phone to use until it is charged up again.

This is the same with our bodies, our purpose, our goals… If we choose not to plug into a power source then we begin to loose our charge. The downfall is that some loose their lives completely and nobody really wants to permanently go “night-night” right? (In my Kevin Hart voice)

So we need to be charged up every now and again to assure optimum usage. Because there is a path that has our names on it. The path that is spoken of here is well lit and divinely set up for us according to our purpose. There is no structure to it. There is no judgement or prejudice to be labeled with. There is only the power to be. There is only the power to choose what is best for you. This is how we get charged. This is how we welcome progression into our lives. This is how we identify with being FREE. We understand that we are the currency in which most speak of. It is not that of money that is really desired, but the energy, the power, the clarity of a higher connection.

Get Charged

Getting Charged To Mobilize Our Focus

The more that we press in our goals the more lively we begin to feel. The more charged we are to make a difference the greater the outcome. The fear of not accomplishing these goals becomes obsolete and the misson at hand becomes the focal point. Getting charged is a direct laser beam of targeted light that must be learned how to use properly in order to focus on the completion of our goals. Where there is peace, there is focus… where there is focus there is progression. So whether it is a simple goal or one of great complexities, it is YOUR goal and you have to complete it. This is your purpose, your life’s work. So GET Charged and get to it! The Universe is working in your favor to energize you and set you on the right path to focus and freedom.

Charged Focus

#GETCharged #GET3000

Thanks again for reading our blog post. We are sure that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve experienced here today… so subscribe to our link below to stay charged and in the zone.

We are only a team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we also dabble in the blogging business as Network Marketers and part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists within the Empower Network.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next blog post Monday’s Motive… Where we will take you on a stroll to the MEL Box .

Peace & Blessings ~ GET3000

P.S.S. If you are blogger or thinking about blogging… and seriously want to get your content out there for more people to have acces to you posts, then become a part of our #GET3000 Team today, and turn your blog passion into profits.

Genuine People ~ Revised

Genuine People

Peace and Welcome Back… To this Thursday’s Throwback Blog. We reached all the way back to our very 1st Empower Network Blog Post. It’s surly awesome to see how far we’ve come since then… But more so how strong we still stand to our original plan… least with more enlightenment an empowerment behind being genuine people.

It’s the power of everyday people like you and I that makes programs like Get Empowered 3000 a success. We also appreciate the Empower Network for showing us how very possible it is for us to build a dedicated tribe. This is especially challenging when marketing products products online. In today’s society so many people try to get over in business, and there is a bunch of hype and fluff but, not enough genuine people. I will admit that I too was skeptical in the beginning. I had seen so much garbage in the internet marketing industry, so I researched, watched videos, read reviews, and chatted back and forth with other members that were Real People, like me — like you.  Ultimately, it was the confidence within the community of the believers, which fit like that missing piece of the puzzle that told me we (Mel and I) could win at this.

The genuine people by nature…

After introducing the power of a legitimate work from home business to my husband, I knew that this was in alignment with the progression of our vision for 2K13, because of how ready he was for change. How ready he was for freedom. Lastly how we as genuine people, we deserved to live free from the 9-5 mundane life that had taken away so many of our time in the past. Therefore we said yes to success and  joined a community of winners. There is a momentum within us that you won’t be able to see from a distance. The only way to have gain access to us, is through personal invitation. Then once you accept and join our team… Get Empowered 3000 

We Are Genuine People…

A team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists here in Empower Network.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next blog post Friday’s FREE-Style… Where we will create a blog that reflects on how far we are willing to go to attain our desired freedom. In spirit, in content, in love… Our posts can get you on track to optimum status with,  The GET 3000 Crew.


Peace and Love!