GET Movin! Cause We Gotta Mobilize Our Motives… Turn Up!

Mobilize Ya Motives Monday

The Man That Don’t Work Don’t Eat

~ 2 Thessalonians 3:10

Work, Job, Purpose

What does it mean to you to work? Does it mean that you apply yourself to something that will eventually yield you a favorable reward? Is work the same as a job? When you work a job, is it an entitled position that you have attached to your personal goals or objectives, as a means of generating resources? Are the two aligned with your purpose?

Pyramid Scheme

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.

~ Sam Ewing

We are all born into the world with nothing. Everything we acquire after that is profit.

~ Sam Ewing

We Turn Up @ GET3000… Work With Us

When you overstand the motives behind the person or people that you align yourself with, you begin to find your purpose. Your purpose is aligned to your gifts. Your gifts are what you give as presence (presents) to the world. There is nothing that can stop a person from success, besides the disbelief in themselves and the improper motives of where they want to go. As we opened this blog post with “The man that don’t work don’t eat,” and we are determined to eat… Thus we do the work to enable us to generate resources. By this we have established this concept of thinking via the online marketing environment. “We get rich by making others rich.” So “TURN UP” and vibrate higher to see that the grand scheme of life is an operation of unconscious abundance and not transitional lack. Follow your dreams and Mobilize Your Motives on this Monday!

“Wealth is the word, rich is around the corner from the curb”.

~ Andre’ 3000

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next blog post Technique Tuesday… Where we will unleash yet another Natural Hair Technique through the empowering and motivational delivery of RaShuan D. Ellison – The Kitchentician… So until then be healthy, be happy, be you. We post in spirit, in truth, and in love… And it is our main focus for these posts is to inspire 3000 + individuals that are getting on tract their personal freedom or that needs accountability partners, to  stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept. So when you join up with, The GET 3000 Crew nothing is impossible. We believe in you!

~ GET3000

GET Motivated ~ The End Of An Awesome Beginning On This Summation Saturday…

Summation Saturday

GOoD morning, and/or afternoon to everyone… We are gonna keep it real simple today, since summing something up is bringing things to a head. We will sum this week up by simply saying, “KEEP MOVING”… That’s all.

If it were easy losers would win” ~ Melvin Ellis

“The race may not always go to the swift, but the procrastinator is surely a loser… UPWARD MOVEMENT!” ~ Melvin Ellis 

2013-05-04 African Proverb

Simple as that today… Peace!

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Set It Off Sunday … Where we will post an awesome blog about setting your week off to continued progression and motivation. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

GET Free ~ TGIF It’s FreeStyle Friday So Let’s Chill…

FreeStyle Friday

WELCOME Back to another blog post. Today has been a very interesting day surrounded by a very strong energy. The feeling is very creative and empowering. It is enough to just observe the still silence of time because gratitude is there…

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we establish our eternity.

~ Melvin Ellis

Abstract Art Humanity's Team

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog that sums up the FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

GET Free ~ TGIF It’s FreeStyle Friday So Let’s Chill…

FreeStyle Friday

WELCOME Back to another blog post. Today has been a very interesting day surrounded by a very strong energy. The feeling is very creative and empowering. It is enough to just observe the still silence of time because gratitude is there…

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we establish our eternity.

~ Melvin Ellis

Abstract Art Humanity's Team

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog that sums up the FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

10 Best Einstein Quotes…

10 Best Quotes of Albert Einstein 

Courage, Wisdom, Genius, Truth, and God


Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

~ Albert Einstein

Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.

~ Albert Einstein


Before God we are all equally wise – and equally foolish.

~ Albert Einstein

The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while.

~ Albert Einstein


Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

~ Albert Einstein

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

~ Albert Einstein


In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

~ Albert Einstein

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.

~ Albert Einstein


That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.

~ Albert Einstein

I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details.

~ Albert Einstein

To Be Continued…

Thank you for viewing this blog post. Below are links to subscribe to our weekly inspirational blog reviews and current events.

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       Facebook @ GetEmpowered3000

         Twitter @ GetTeamLove3000

What Motives Motivates Your Wealth

Monday’s Motives

Welcome back to read our blog post of today’s motivation where we’ll take you on a stroll to the MEL Box.


How is it that a man that has everything in the world can have nothing yet turn that NOTHING into something?

The confusion of this question is that you have to have something in order to BE. The fact of the matter is, God is the nothing or the darkness that ALL creation was bore from. Ruminate on this… With all the possessions that  we classify as wealth, evaluate through the eyes of God… Then ask yourself again… Is this worldly wealth or spiritual wealth? The stance on this will determine where your focus should be going forward. If you see the worldly wealth ALONE as success as what God has set aside for you, then look again because you’re not looking through the eyes of God.

“How can a man have everything in the world and still have nothing?”

Wealth is surly more valuable to your being, than a bunch of tangible possessions. So we have to continue to find the heart beat of our purpose… Surly this will lead you to your pot of wealth… True spiritual motivation.

Thanks again for reading our blog post. We are sure that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve experienced here today… so subscribe to our link below to stay charged and in the zone.

We are only a team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we also dabble in the blogging business as Network Marketers and part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists within the Empower Network.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next blog post Technique Tuesday’s… Where we will take you home to CHOP it up on Natural Hair Care… with The Kitchentician. 

Peace & Blessings ~ GET3000

P.S.S. If you are blogger or thinking about blogging… and seriously want to get your content out there for more people to have acces to you posts, then become a part of our #GET3000 Team today, and turn your blog passion into profits.


GET Empowered 3000 ~ It’s FreeStyle Friday

Get Inspired To Live A Free and Empowered Life

TGIF!… And welcome to another blog post from the empowered team, GET3000. In today’s blog post we will cover how living a totally conceptualized, metaphorically derived, artistic lifestyle can lead you on your way to Freedom & Empowerment.

This is empowered

How many times have you heard a line in a song that you thought was so real that it  somehow it was magically fitting for your life right then and there as you heard it? I can say that I have done that plenty of times. I have even been out and about an heard people conversing about how they want to do or are doing this and that… and it feels as if they are talking directly to me. As a freedom artist, you become empowered and trained in your thinking to move with the now in time instead of heavy predictions or ideas. The moment that you are in the NOW of time… it relinquishes all doubt about the future because you become present in the moment and the past remains the past and the future is too far away to adhere to. While being empowered bridges the gap between bondage and freedom, a freestyle artist knows they have to cross that bridge into his or her desired freedom form.

Wiz Khalifa

When we talk about being a “freedom artist,” we are not only talking about the ability to recite witty lines over a banging track, or that we concentrate on a special discipline, or order of things. We are talking about being reality architects and building empowered ideas and concepts. Over time we have learned how to creatively adapt to the changes in the wind and just flow. Although this took years of practice, we are still only novice in the sport. Sometimes our intentions get the best of us and we have to start over again, but this is the power of persistence. Least we are also learning how coupling with consistency, there adds a greater abundance to a freestyle lifestyle.

The Enchanting Power of a FreeStyle LifeStyle ~ GET Empowered

“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Kahlil Gibran

Whether you are a person who loves bending the universe by the theory of belief, or just walking in the presence as a introverted pessimist, the world around you is favoring how empowered you are with your flow. What this means is that what ever it is that we wrap our minds around the tightest… the more we are in the flow with that thought.

Being a family of 5 does not warrant my husband and I to have days free from chaos and uncertainty, especially with three boys, all under the age six, all while in our mid to late 30’s. We are still young and free enough to enjoy their quirks and also pose a strong idea of relative discipline. Let’s say for example: Your child is learning to write the alphabet. You are so happy to get to this stage and one day out of the blue you child say’s, “Look mommy, I can write an H.” When you stop to take a look, it’s written in five different colors as large as they could write it, on the wall of a common area in your house. What do you do? Well I’ll tell you what we did… We celebrated our son and told him how proud of him we were that he could now write the letter “H.” Some children might get scolded for this type of freestyle learning. Who knows if we would have more murals to look at if we could teach about the positive notions of “the writing on the walls,” by empowering such behavior… Thus living the life of a free-styler…

Empowerment to freedom

If you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists here in Empower Network.

::::::::::>>>GET Empowered 3000<<<::::::::::

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Saturday’s Summation… Where we will sum up this weeks blog posts and reflect on how far we have come over this week, with steady progression. In spirit, in content, in love… Our posts can get you on track to the optimum life with,  The GET 3000 Crew.
