The Value Of Summation

The true value of you summed up in a week…

Thanks once again for joining us on our weekly journey and today in this session of “Saturday’s Summation”. We started out “Setting It Off” on Sunday, “Mobilizing our Motives” on Monday, The Kitchentician chopped up “Techniques” with you on Tuesday, Workout Wednesday was a literal pain in the butt for the ladies… Lol, get ya squat on girlz … Thursday’s Throwback was a fruitful trip to our very 1st blog, and  Freestyle Friday   was a reminder to all of why we owe it to ourselves to live our lives in the realm of true FREEDOM.

True Value

A problem(real life or arithmetic) or situation cannot be solved (valued) without the summ (summation or resolution).

The value of our progression is the main thing that we have taken from this week. One of our main setbacks in our forward movement is our consistency… The end to insanity starts now for us because the focus has been set in place. Our aim in staying committed to this blog and the MOVEMENT of GET3000, has become as important (or more) as getting up to go and clock in for someone daily to support our household. The messages that are delivered day to day and week to week are doing their jobs for us, while on the quest to be the most dedicated vessels, which GOD intended us to be. The true reward comes in the reception that is displayed from our family and frie—… I’ll just leave it at that. “Our Family” (under God, as we are all brothers and sisters in that light) has showed the support and dedication needed to continue on this Underground Railroad-ish elevation that we’ve embarked upon.

Our value is in THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD??? Did he just say that? “YES I DID” (“me)

So yes, that is a Shotgun on ya back. Please don’t try to turn around now, because there is value in the spirit of Harriet, and it might just come out. Lol… Just Serious. We have a responsibility to keep growing and knowing our TRUE VALUE. We cannot allow ourselves to stand still any longer and allow the cancerous, redundant, cattle herding mentality, which has put us in this hole to climb out of. Thus begin to affect our children and the generation that will truly live as free spirits. This is the re-kindled mind set that our business and household will thrive on from here on out, which is ready and available to us all.

If you are someone struggling to get down from the straddling of fences, tired of saying you are going to make a change and things stay the same, or just plain ready to be all that God intended you to be… then partner with GET3000 and let’s ALL be the difference that will irrefutably re-establish Value in the bottom line (SUMMATION) of our lives.

If you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation X hippie type, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Network Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists here in Empower Network.

::::::::::>>>GET Empowered 3000<<<::::::::::

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Set It Off Sunday… Where we will start up a new opportunity to value righteous progression on your path to GET Empowered. In spirit, in content, in love… Our posts can get you on track to the optimum life with,  The GET 3000 Crew.
