GET Empowered ~ To Set Off Your Mother’s Day

Set It Off Sunday

Welcome Back! It has been a totally exciting day, especially since it’s mother’s day. This blog is going to focus on what set us off on the freedom of our movement on this beautiful “mother’s day.”

Be Empowered To Birth Your Tradition

More often than not, when a woman finds out that she is expecting, she follows the societal traditions of womanness and femininity. She goes to a OB to manage her prenatal care. She begins to choose names, nursery colors, and even baby sitters for the career driven mom. The more she is exposed to limitations of her power, the more she begins to develop an unecessary idea of concern. She begins to develop these crazy traditions. When a woman with child should only concern herself with being a great hostess and birthing a healthy baby. Many times my hubby and I  have been called over the top just because, we don’t prescribed to certain traditions. We do holiday’s, but we also focus on the truth behind what we are celebrating. We don’t fall under the guise of certain traditions. Our preference is to channel our own inner-G (energy)… our own sacredness… using our own spiritual textbook that guides our here and now reality.

Birthing In The Tradition Of The I AM

There is nothing in this world to make you more aware of your condition then what our minds are traditionally attached to. I can recall the young girl pregnant and alone, she was my mother. She was mother to many in a since… because she was the tradition in my family, in my community, and in communities still today. In her youth. In her shame and her fears, these drenched in my DNA. This was part of her tradition. This was the bare bones illusion that we suffer from in what is referred to as genrational curses.  This is the part where maturity sent me on a different course. I begin my quest for healing like many children do born of single parents or dysfunctional family structure.  I use the word dysfunctional because it is dysfunctional to be raised by only one parent, when two parties commenced to produce the child. This statement has its boundaries because, some may have lost their parent(s) due to certain circumstances, but this healing process applies the same. Majority of a process such as this, is painful because, we seldom know how to breathe through the surges of labor (Labor being the work to move forward and heal). This process ultimately causes many to give birth to ourselves multiple times. So imagine the sensation of birthing a full grown man or woman from within yourself. The past is eliminated and back into the world he or she goes… green, fresh, and new. The power this gives us closes wounds which are left open and bleeding after the re-birth has taken place. Here is where we began gathering unto ourselves a new tradition. This new tradition should say:

I am not ashamed

I am not fearful

I am not alone

I am no longer hurting


I AM Healed.

I AM Free.

I AM Loved.

I come from Woman.

I came from Man.

Therefor I AM ___________

My Conceived Reflection

His aura was wrapped in antique gold.

His skin was sparkling like diamond sands.

He was worthy of all the goodness stored up within me.

In due time I am to give Him praise.

I saw him within me like I within him.

He was my reflection.

I was his rib he told me.

I believed him and we became one body of flesh.

Growing in wisdom we loved each other intensely from that day forward.

The Mother Of Tradition

The Non-traditional Mother Of Traditon

A Golden Child Was Born… 

Written By RaShaun D. Ellison


I’m full

Like the stuffing is about to…


My cup runnith over

Abundance is my lot

Secrets of divinity

Unfold like that of the hidden places

Guided by blindness

Across war-crazed states

Bare feet trampling blood

Like grapes to vines

Drinking up the spirit

Drunk of cheap wine

Soil so rich

Who is to till and prune

Fading away like the

Change of the moon

Who gave of this wickedness

I only challenge its TRUTH

Looking for the better parts

Of who we can become

The stars have outshined their brilliance

What more can they reveal via constellation

A shivering episodic entanglement

Like the web of a spider

What a vicious web they weave

Set us FREE I say

For the little children need more

I see them scurrying like ants

All in a line

All of its kind

A deceptive intelligence

To protect the Queen

The statue of what liberty looks like

Has fallen to promiscuity

Unto a young maiden with too many husbands

Giving birth to bastards that rule in her absence

Obsession and greed

A shock to the world

Where thieves confiscate the familial dream

Terrors in the night

The temple is barren

The trees growing taller

Making the fruit fall further from the tree

Looking for the forest

Tearing away the leaves

The branches shamed by their nakedness

Let the flooding begin

The swelling of the seas

To levy the axes of the material things

Resources standing still

While we navigate the re-courses

Living a life of desperation

Wanting to be seen

Wanting to be heard

Nothing substantial

Action-less verbs

Unidentified nouns

Just who are you

And where do you plan to go

Following the pipeline

To the depths of Hell

The land of Lost Love

Quietly hoping to see heaven

Without the disciple there of

Shake off you ole dusty birds

Fly away you retched fowl

The yoke of a cum stain

Surly you are more than

Lace up soldiers

Stop killing your mothers

Taking away her power to conceive

The best part of your potential is to know

In Truth there is no need to believe

Righteousness is a word formally confused with holiness

Least it is the right to understand

The power to reject carnality, again, and again

Do not be burdened by mistakes made hours ago

Time still loves you more

Gaping windows

Opening and shutting your eyes

Trying to refrain from crying

But it’s ok

The days are going to pass

Like that of your birth

Least you mind

Taking time to reflect

Seeing that you are in the present day

What a gift

Neatly wrapped

With no one to present it to

Calling to challenge your existence

Your purpose

Your who

I’ll sing for you little children

I’ll scream from the shallow waters

Lungs filled with new air

I will breathe for you

Woman without consequence

Man without peace

I’ll die for you

And immortal death

Only to return to my tent

I motionlessly lay tense

The vibration is ringing in my ears

The hue of evolution is here

Prodigal children welcome home

GET Empowered 3000 ~ Initiate The Freedom To Change

Throwback Thursday

What is Get Empowered 3000?

GET 3000 is a fundamental platform, with a goal to teach the principles of how to engage sound spiritual leadership while also developing a firm financial concept, by incorporating a work from home strategy using a diverse MSI (Multiple Streams Of Income) formula. By creating a co-operative team of individuals we have the ability to change the financial dynamic surrounding spiritual disparity, poverty, and education. All with a minimal investment. 

Empower The World

What does it mean when we say Get Empowered 3000?

We are a dynamic movement that consists of business professionals with a dream, to create a network of 3000 plus Freedom Artists. Our team will learn how empowerment through product promotion can expand their current online business through blogging technology. The enlightenment, which this product has offered our business is based on a collaboration of services within an intention group setting. Where we strive to thrive within a model of organizational freedom, thus freeing our passions as activists, philanthropist, and FREEDOM Fighters… Thus becoming empowered world changers.

We are here to empower as many individuals we can through the technology of viral blogging, social media communication, and inspirational email marketing one believer at a time…

GET Empowered 3000 movement is built on these 3 core principles:

  • Freedom of the MIND 

Includes… family and finances​

  • Shaping of the BODY

Includes… health and fitness

  • And… EMPOWERMENT of the SOUL

Includes… discipline and spiritual devotion

…this is why we are called ~ Team Get Empowered 3000

We are on a journey to have an empowered network of 3000 individuals within our company of diverse roles of leadership. We know there is a vortex of wealth for us to build from within this online marketing community and it begins RIGHT HERE… RIGHT NOW! The more individuals that join our team of bloggers, the more empowered we can all become… through the power of love, Free Speech, and good intention together  ~ WE WIN!

So join us today!

Together we can build in truth, and in love, one blog at a time…

EMPOWERED Leaders Of The Blogging Community

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to truth, creativity, and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post called Friday’s FreeStyle… Where we will post an awesome blog about being able to live out this FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000

P.S.S. If you don’t have a blog for your business you can REGISTER HERE to get your very own totally optimized, SEO formatted, and Keyword generating WordPress Blog… Sounds great right?

Well if you click on the link below you will see how the right marketing plan can turn a minimum $1 – $25  into: $3000 per month, to $3000 per week, to $3000 per day, in 3 different ways.

The GET3000Family