GET Free ~ How We Got Cash Back Using Cloth Diapers

Friday’s FreeStyle

WELCOME Back Blog Enthusiast! With this blog post we are going to talk about how we have managed to save an additional $45 per month by incorporating the usage of “CLOTH DIAPERS”…

Baby Wearing Cloth Diaper

Breaking The Wallet + Saving The Environment

It has always been our goal to contribute back to the environment in any way that was fitting for our family. We started out on this journey because we knew that it was important for the future of our children and generations to come. After having our first son, we used regular diapers like the ones that my husband and I grew up on i.e., Huggies, Luvs, Pampers… you get where I’m going. Well that all came to a happy ending once our oldest son started showing signs of an allergic reaction that we just associated with diaper rash. After about a month of creams and ointments, I got on my mommy stuff. I started researching chemicals in diapers as it related to diaper rash. Low and behold… I found out about several companies that were environmentally friendly and chemical “FREE.” So we went on our merry way to find this magic diaper. After trying a couple of brands we found Seventh Generation. They were just what we had been looking for, but there is a catch to the clear and free brands… They Cost! So we had to figure these into our budget because, we were not ready to take on cloth diapers just yet… Notice the key word yet…:)

Cloth Diapers… It’s A Dirty Job

No matter how much we fought it, cloth diapers came rushing into our lives like a silver bullet with our 3rd son. We wanted so badly to stop using those EXPENSIVE… (free & clear) diapers that we were now open to using majority cloth. The biggest concern was, what to do about the poop. But we figured something out that was very crucial to our decision making… What do you do when the baby poops out of the disposable diaper? You still have to clean them and their clothes… So what’s the difference? Well here is the difference…

We Wanted Our Money Back So We Invested

Here is what we found. We were spending anywhere from $15 – $20 a week on diapers… because Seventh Generation does not come in bulk and are usually out of stock on line so you are subject to the retail price at the local grocery store. In short that was a bill. A $60 – $100 per month bill… in diapers. When we looked deeper into our budget, we saw an opportunity to save at least $45 additional dollars per month, that’s $540 per year, buy going cloth. This is where the tables turned. We invested in a “lot” of cloth diapers on eBay and got our money back. This is a real time image below of what we got for $60. That is a months worth of disposable diapers totaling $720 per year. To me, that’s a vacation worth saving for. Now let’s see what we got for our $60 investment…

Cloth Diaper Purchase This is our original purchase a couple of months ago. As you can see it was roughly $60. When in actuality we profited by just purchasing the diapers by themselves, but since we also added liners it took us up to our proposed budget. Magically this is how we started out our savings. When the end of the year comes we will see how far we get on this budget. We are going to order one more “lot” and be good til potty training time.  Here is  a more in-depth idea of what the diapers look like…

GET Free ~ Go Cloth!

One Size Fits  These diapers eliminate having to buy different sizes as baby grows… YAY!!!

AdjustableThis is how they function

Inserts These are the inserts that absorb the wetness off babies skin


Pretty cool huh? We sure think so… especially since we can add to the savings for our yearly vacation, or better marketing for our business, or we might even invest it in gold… Since we are on a journey to Freedom… See you on the other side….

***We are no more than a team of art loving, Generation-X Hippie type, blogging, home-birthing, homeschooling, healthy, traveling homebodies… That works hard to keep our families close and connected to creativity and love… Oh… and we dabble in the business of Online Marketing as part-time affiliates of a team of FREEDOM Artists at Empower Network and GVO.

So if you think what we do is interesting, then SUBSCRIBE HERE.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter @GetTeamLove3000 to receive your link to our next post Summation Saturday… Where we will post an awesome blog that sums up the FREEDOM we have found  in spirit, in truth, and in love. Our main focus for this blog is to inspire 3000 + individuals to stay on track to maintaining their optimum self concept and to team up with, The GET 3000 Crew.

~ GET3000